[Ron] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For Month Of July

[Ron] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For the Month Of July

Activity A: I’ve attended all Octopus Nation meeting sessions
Activity B: I attended the monthly community call.
Activity C: I have been present in all AMA Sessions

  • TinTinLand Community

Activity D: I attended Fusotao workshop

Activity E: Personal Social Media Activity
-5 tweets
-14 Quote Retweets
-4 Facebook post

Activity G: Active participation in an event unit starts with thorough preparation and planning. I’ve been actively participating and discussing on the unit where I belong. Active participation in an event unit offers valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth. Taking on responsibilities and seeing the event come to fruition instills a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. I also join in the brainstorming and what will be the next of event for the month. Lastly, I have participate the events both meme contest and OttoStickersContest.

Activity I: Even if I am member of event unit, I’m still actively participating in the activities of education unit and its essential for nurturing a conducive learning environment, engaging students effectively, and driving positive educational outcomes. I make a plenty of graphics for this month in education unit because I am assigned to be the graphic designer.

Activity K: I attended Web 3.0 in Philippines.

Activity N: I’ve suggested 2 ideas and it is approved by the unit leader.
These are the link for validation

Activity M I’ve been active in Octopus Network Telegram and joined the contest. Both meme and sticker contests I won.

Name: Ron Salvador
Telegram username: @DexterSal
Google Meet Username: TIRA II ARNULFO
Near Wallet Address: arnarnie.near
Discord username:arnie_sup

For proofs and picture, please click the link below.

here’s my report @damboy


Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then thanks,
As agreed on by Octopus Nation as stated by this document below, this are your accumulated points for the month of july

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 0
Activity k: 3
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0 as your discussions doesn’t meet the minimum criteria
Activity N: 5
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 43/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned 266

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[Ron] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For the Month Of August

Name: Ron Salvador
Telegram username: @DexterSal
Google Meet Username: TIRA II ARNULFO
Discord username: ron_salvador
Near Wallet Address: arnarnie.near

Activity A: I’ve attended all Octopus Nation meeting sessions.
Activity B: I attended the monthly community call.
Activity C: I have been present in Exploring NDC and NEAR Governance AMA on Twitter
Activity D: I attended the Ref-Finance workshop
Activity E: Personal Social Media Activity
10- Quote Retweets
Activity G: Active participation in an event unit starts with thorough suggestions and discussing what event should be launched. Also, I was given a task to make graphics for the events for my unit. Lastly, I participated in the Emoji Puzzle Contest.
Activity I: I am a member of the events unit but still actively participating in the activities of the education unit. I am assigned to be the graphic designer for this month which is why I made a lot of translation graphics that were posted on our medium account.
Activity J: I am actively and constantly supporting Ottochain. I retweet, like, and comment on Ottochain’s Twitter and Instagram posts.
Activity N: I’ve suggested 2 ideas and the unit leaders approved them.

Here are the links/screenshots as proofs

Thanks a lot @damboy

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then thanks,
As agreed on by Octopus Nation as stated by this document below, this are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 5
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 43/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

[Ron] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For Month Of September

Name: Ron Salvador
Telegram username: @DexterSal
Google Meet Username: TIRA II ARNULFO
Discord username: ron_salvador
Near Wallet Address: arnarnie.near

Activity A: I’ve attended all Octopus Nation meeting sessions.
Activity B: I attended the monthly community call.
Activity C: I have been present in Exploring Myriad
Activity D: I attended the Tutorial Session on Delegating / Staking with Octopus Network
Activity E: Personal Social Media Activity
15- Quote Retweets
Activity G: Active participation in an event unit starts with thorough suggestions and discussing what event should be launched. Also, my suggestion for the month was approved and implemented the Scrambled Letters Game.
Activity I: I am a member of the events unit but am still actively participating in the activities of the education unit. There’s a translation that I made posted on Medium and the Extravaganza Night.
Activity J: I am actively and constantly supporting Ottochain. I retweet, like, and comment on Ottochain Twitter
Activity N: I’ve 2 suggestions for my unit and for other units and the unit leaders approved them.

for the proof, here’s the link [Ron] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For Month Of September - Google Docs
@damboy Thanks.

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 0 this is Activity D
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 37/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

[Ron] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For Month Of October

Name: Ron Salvador
Telegram username: @DexterSal
Google Meet Username: TIRA II ARNULFO
Discord username: ron_salvador
Near Wallet Address: arnarnie.near

Activity A: I’ve attended all Octopus Nation meeting sessions. 4/4
Activity B: I attended the last octopus networking day as this is the substitute for the community call this month.
Activity C: I have been present in AMA session with Octopus Network
Activity D: I attended the Exploring Decentralized Bio Network, Atocha Enigma Night, and Attended the Mental Health Webinar.
Activity E: Personal Social Media Activity
12- Quote Retweets
Activity G: Actively participating in the Events Unit to which I belong, discussing what will be the event and suggesting what will be the event this month.
Activity I: I am a member of the events unit but still actively participating in the activities of the education and membership units. There’s a translation that I made posted on Medium and the Atocha Blockchain and Influencer and Hashtag Hunt.
Activity J: I am actively and constantly supporting Ottochain. I retweet, like, and comment on Ottochain’s Twitter also I attend community calls.
Activity K: I attended all the events in Ottochain, the start-up series, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call
Activity N: I’ve 2 suggestions for my unit.

for the proof, here’s the link

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F :0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 5
Activity k: 5
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 5
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 50/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

[Ron] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For Month Of November
Name: Ron Salvador
Telegram username: @DexterSal
Google Meet Username: TIRA II ARNULFO
Discord username: ron_salvador
Near Wallet Address: arnarnie.near

Activity A: I’ve attended all Octopus Nation Meeting Sessions.
Activity B: I attended community call for the month of November.
Activity C: I am present in AMA session with Octopus Network: Community Building and Secret Space with Special Guest.
Activity D: I attended the AMA Session: NearOctoLegends NFT and Virtual Career Workshop
Activity E: Personal Social Media Activity
14- Quote Retweets
Activity G: Actively participating Events Unit to which I belong, discussing what event will be and suggesting what will be the event month.
Activity I: I am a member of the events unit but still actively participating in the activities of the education unit. We make the “UNLOCKING THE BENEFITS: NEAROCTO LEGENDS NFT & OTTOCHAIN”
Activity J: I am actively and constantly supporting Ottochain. I retweet, like, and comment on Ottochain’s Twitter also I attend community calls and AMA.
Activity K: I attended all the events in Ottochain, start-up series, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call
Activity N: I have only one suggestion for my unit.

for the proof, here’s the link

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 5
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 47/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

Name: Ron Salvador
Telegram username: @DexterSal
Google Meet Username: TIRA II ARNULFO
Discord username: ron_salvador
Near Wallet Address: arnarnie.near

Activity A: I’ve attended all Octopus Nation Meeting Sessions.

Activity B: I attended a community call for the month of December

Activity C: I am present in the AMA session with Octopus Network: Unpacking NEAR Restaking w/ Octopus Network

Activity D: I attended the AMA Session: AMA with Teen Girls Blockchain TGIB and Octopus Nation’s Space

Activity E: Personal Social Media Activity
15- Quote Retweets

Activity G: Actively participating in the Events Unit to which I belong, discussing what event will be, and suggesting the event month. Also, I made the Google form for the Event.

Activity I: I am a member of the events unit but am still actively participating in the activities of the education unit. We make the “Scavenger Hunt Gold"

Activity J: I am actively and constantly supporting Ottochain. I retweet, like, and comment on Ottochain’s Twitter I also attend community calls and AMA.

Activity K: I attended all the events in Ottochain, the start-up series, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call

Activity N: I have two suggestions for my unit.

for the proof, here’s the link

Name: Ron Salvador
Telegram username: @DexterSal
Google Meet Username: TIRA II ARNULFO
Discord username: ron_salvador
Near Wallet Address: arnarnie.near

Activity A: I’ve attended all Octopus Nation Meeting Sessions.4/4

Activity B: I attended a community call for the month of December 1/1

Activity C: I am present in the AMA session with Octopus Network: Unpacking NEAR Restaking w/ Octopus Network 1/1

Activity D: I attended the AMA Session: AMA with Teen Girls Blockchain TGIB and Octopus Nation’s Space

Activity E: Personal Social Media Activity
15- Quote Retweets

Activity G: Actively participating in the Events Unit to which I belong, discussing what the event will be, and suggesting the event month. Also, I made the Google form for the Event.

Activity I: I am a member of the events unit but am still actively participating in the activities of the education unit. We make the “Scavenger Hunt Gold"

Activity J: I am actively and constantly supporting Ottochain. I retweet, like, and comment on Ottochain’s Twitter I also attend community calls and AMA. 40 posts

Activity K: I attended all the events in Ottochain, the start-up series, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call - 4 online events including a community call

Activity N: I have 2 suggestions for my unit.

This is for the updated version.
for the proof, here’s the link

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 3
Activity k: 4
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 45/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned