Rachael Udoka Oseh [Report for the month of July]

Hi Octopus Nation

Full name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Telegram ID: @Oodokha
Google meet name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Near Address: racheludoka.near
Discord Username:Oodokha#6189

For the month of July I was able to perform the following activities as follows:

Activities A: Attended 4/4 meetings based on our weekly Nations calls in the month of July.

Activities C: Attended the Octopus network AMA sessions.
Check out the screenshot in the document attached
Activities D: Attended the octopus Nation approved Workshop.
Check out the screenshot within the doc

Activities E: I did some social media activities which includes quoted retweets, retweet and posts on other social media platforms

Check screenshot within the attached doc.

Activities F: Shared and Distributed Octopus Network or Octopus Nation announcements on various groups.

Check screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities G: Actively participated in activities within my units to which I volunteered for (Education Unit).

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities I:
Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities J:
Actively participated in philanthropic initiatives and events
Check screenshots within the attached documents

Activities M: Active discussion on Octopus network Telegram community

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities N: I suggested ideas and getting it approved by the unit head

Check links and screenshots within the attached doc.


Doc Link:


Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then thanks,
As agreed on by Octopus Nation as stated by this document below, this are your accumulated points for the month of july

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 3
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 4
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 0 activities should be outside activities of the philanthropic unit
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0 as your discussions doesn’t meet the minimum criteria
Activity N: 5
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 37/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned 210


Hi Octopus Nation

Full name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Telegram ID: @Oodokha
Google meet name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Near Address: racheludoka.near
Discord Username:Oodokha#6189

For the month of August, I was able to perform the following activities as follows:

Activities A: Attended 4/4 meetings based on our weekly Nations calls in the month of July.

Activities C: Attended the Octopus network AMA sessions.
Check out the screenshot in the document attached
Activities D: Attended the octopus Nation approved Workshop.
Check out the screenshot within the doc

Activities E: I did some social media activities which includes quoted retweets, retweet and posts on other social media platforms

Check screenshot within the attached doc.

Activities F: Shared and Distributed Octopus Network or Octopus Nation announcements on various groups.

Check screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities G: Actively participated in activities within my units to which I volunteered for (Education Unit).

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities I:
Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Check links within the attached doc

Activities J: Actively liked, retweeted and commented in Ottochain social media post

Check Screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities N: I suggested ideas and getting it approved by the unit head

Check links and screenshots within the attached doc.


1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then thanks,
As agreed on by Octopus Nation as stated by this document below, this are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 3
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 5
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 41/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

Hi Octopus Nation

Full name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Telegram ID: @Oodokha
Google meet name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Near Address: racheludoka.near
Discord Username:Oodokha#6189

For the month of September, I was able to perform the following activities as follows:

Activities A: Attended 4/4 meetings based on our weekly Nations calls in the month of July.

Activities C: Attended the Octopus network AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot in the document attached
Activities D: Attended the octopus Nation approved AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot within the doc

Activities E: I did some social media activities which includes quoted retweets, retweet and posts on other social media platforms

Check screenshot within the attached doc.

Activities F: Shared and Distributed Octopus Network or Octopus Nation announcements on various groups.

Check screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities G: Actively participated in activities within my units to which I volunteered for (Education Unit and Membership Unit).

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities I:
Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Check links within the attached doc

Activities J: Actively liked, retweeted and commented in Ottochain social media post

Check Screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities N: I suggested ideas and getting it approved by the unit head

Check links within the attached doc.


1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 0
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 4
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 36/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

Full name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Telegram ID: @Oodokha
Google meet name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Near Address: racheludoka.near
Discord Username:Oodokha#6189

For the month of October, I was able to perform the following activities as follows:

Activities A: Attended 4/4 meetings based on our weekly Nations calls in the month of July.

Activities C: Attended the Octopus network AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot in the document attached
Activities D: Attended the octopus Nation approved AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot within the doc

Activities E: I did some social media activities which includes quoted retweets, retweet and posts on other social media platforms

Check screenshot within the attached doc.

Activities F: Shared and Distributed Octopus Network or Octopus Nation announcements on various groups.

Check screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities G: Actively participated in activities within my units to which I volunteered for (Education Unit and Membership Unit).

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities I:
Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Check links within the attached doc

Activities J: Actively liked, retweeted and commented in Ottochain social media post

Check Screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities K: I Attending Ottochain online events
Check screenshots within the attached doc.

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 4
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 4
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 0
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 42/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

1 Like

Full name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Telegram ID: @Oodokha
Google meet name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Near Address: racheludoka.near
Discord Username: Oodokha#6189

For the month of November, I was able to perform the following activities as follows:

Activities A: Attended 5/5 meetings based on our weekly Nations calls in the month of November.

Activity B: Attended the monthly Octopus validators/delegators meeting

Activities C: Attended the Octopus network AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot in the document attached

Activities D: Attended the octopus Nation approved AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot within the doc

Activities E: I did some social media activities which includes quoted retweets, retweet and posts on other social media platforms

Check screenshot within the attached doc.

Activities F: Shared and Distributed Octopus Network or Octopus Nation announcements on various groups.

Check screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities G: Actively participated in activities within my units to which I volunteered for (Education Unit and Membership Unit).

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities I:
Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Check links within the attached doc

Activities J: Actively liked, retweeted and commented in Ottochain social media post

Check Screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities K: I Attending Ottochain online events
Check screenshots within the attached doc

Activities M: Actively discussed on Ottochain discord community promoting positive discussions around Ottochain

Activities N: I suggested ideas and getting it approved by the unit head

Check links and screenshot within the attached doc.


1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 4
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 5
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 2 improve on it
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 53/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

1 Like

Full name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Telegram ID: @Oodokha
Google meet name: Rachael Udoka Oseh
Near Address: racheludoka.near
Discord Username: @Oodokha

For the month of December, I was able to perform the following activities as follows:

Activities A: Attended 4/4 meetings based on our weekly Nations calls in the month of November.

Activity B: Attended the monthly Octopus validators/delegators meeting 1 in total

Activities C: Attended 2/2 Octopus network AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot in the document attached

Activities D: Attended 1/1 Octopus Nation approved AMA/Workshop.
Check out the screenshot within the doc

Activities E: I did some social media activities which includes quoted retweets, retweet and posts on other social media platforms- 48 total

Check screenshot within the attached doc.

Activities F: Shared and Distributed Octopus Network or Octopus Nation announcements on various groups.

Check screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities G: Actively participated in activities within my units to which I volunteered for (Education Unit and Membership Unit).

Check links within the attached doc.

Activities I:
Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Check links within the attached doc

Activities J: Actively liked, retweeted and commented in Ottochain social media post- 45 total

Check Screenshots within the attached doc.

Activities K: I Attending Ottochain offline event 1 and online events 5
Check screenshots within the attached doc

Activities M: Actively discussed on Ottochain discord community promoting positive discussions around Ottochain

Activities N: I suggested ideas and getting it approved by the unit head

Check links and screenshot within the attached doc.


1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 3
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 5
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 1 GM isn’t considered
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point:
51/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

@damboy Thanks for the review sir, I’ll improve my engagement in Ottochain discord community, please about the Ottochain events attendance, I have full attendance but I don’t know why my point isn’t complete there.

Sorry about that, yes you have full 5 points