Octopus Nation September Report

Hi Octopus Nation.

Full name: Kabir Hussain
Telegram ID: kbounce
Google meet name: Kabir Hussain
Near Address: kbounce.near
Discord Username: kbounce#5537

For the month of September, I was able to perform the following activities:

Activity A: Attended all weekly meetings in September .

Activity B: Participated in Ottochain AMA and Community Call

Activity C:Didn’t attend any Octopus Network AMA

Activity D: Attended Octopus Nation AMA with Myriad

Activity E: Links to personal social media post: Activity E ( Personal social media activities) - Google Docs

Activity F: Published and distributed Octopus Network and Octopus Nation announcements & content across Facebook, Telegram groups, LinkedIn groups, and Instagram link: [Activity F - Activity F - Google Docs)

Activity G: participated in Membership unit

Activity I: Also Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities

Activity J. I have liked, retweet and been commenting in Ottochain social media post with my Twitter handle

Activiry M: Actively participated in discussion on Ottochain Telegram

Activity N: Cordiate AMA between Myriad teams and Octopus Nation


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Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 0
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 4
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 5
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 2 because you are a team member
Activity N: 2 because you were rewarded
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 38/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

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Thank you for the review sir.

Telegram username: Kbounce

Google meet ID: Kabiru Hussaini

Near Wallet : kbounce.near

October Report

For the month of October , I was able to perform the following activities:

Activity A: Attended 3/4 weekly meetings in October.

Activity B: Participated in all Ottochain AMA live sessions and Community Calls on Twitter & Discord

Activity C:Didn’t attend any Octopus Network AMA

Activity D: Attended Octopus Nation AMA with Debio and hosted the event

Activity E: Links to personal social media post: posted about ottochain activities, octopus nation and octopus network activitiesActivity E ( Personal social media activities) - Google Docs

Activity F: Published and distributed Octopus Network, Ottochain and Octopus Nation announcements & content across Facebook, and Instagram link: [Activity F - Activity F - Google Docs)

Activity G: participated in Membership unit

Activity I: Also Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities

Activity J. I have liked, retweet and been commenting in Ottochain social media post with my Twitter handle

Activity K: Attended ottochain online Events

Activiry M: Moderate participation in discussion on Ottochain discord

Activity N: Cordiate AMA between Debio teams and Octopus Nation. Also suggested some ideas to communication with pending application till this month.

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Unfortunately i had sent all rewards be4 seeing this report but i will see how to compensate. Please try to submit as early as possible

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 4
Activity B: 0 Octopus Network not Ottochain
Activity C : 0
Activity D: 3 didn’t attend atocha session
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 3
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 5
Activity k: 5
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 3 been a core team member, please improve on discussion on discord
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 38/70 possible marks, please read the Octopus Nation Report i made some hours ago to get details on your total allocated reward

Amont of $OCT Earned

Alright. Thank you. Will submit within time frame next time.

Telegram username: Kbounce

Google meet ID: Kabiru Hussaini

Near Wallet : kbounce.near

October Report

For the month of November, I was able to perform the following activities:

Activity A: Attended octopus nation weekly meetings in November.

Activity B: Not able

Activity C: Not able

Activity D: Attended all Octopus Nation AMA for November both Twitter & Telegram

Activity E: Links to personal social media post: posted about ottochain activities, octopus nation and octopus network activitiesActivity E ( Personal social media activities) - Google Docs 1

Activity F: Published and distributed Octopus Network, Ottochain and Octopus Nation announcements & content across Telegram, Facebook, and Instagram link: [Activity F - Activity F - Google Docs 1)

Activity G: participated in Membership unit

Activity I: Participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities

Activity J. I have liked, retweet and been commenting in Ottochain social media post

Activity K: Attended ottochain online Events

Activiry M: Moderate participation in discussion on Ottochain discord

Activity N: Nil for November

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Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 0
Activity D: 3 one occurred on Google meet
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 3 didn’t follow rules of engagement
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 5
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 2 because you are a team member
Activity N: 0
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 37/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned