The Appchain Section

This section is used for discussions about appchains, both specifically and theoretically.

Octopus Network has made a series of changes to the appchain offering this year, adding the Barnacle-EVM template, introducing new working groups in governance, redelegation and UI improvements, and much more. We want the communities’ comments preserved beyond private chats and channels and we want to welcome new ecosystem participants with transparency.

In this channel we’ll discuss appchains’ development, new appchains, and configurations at Octopus Network that effect the experience of appchain operators. Staking, new appchains and existing appchains’ conversations are all welcomed here. Over the course of the last year we’ve explained a lot of things in community chats, and we’re excited to share our voice with the community in a more permanent way.

We’re going to list relevant articles from our editors to jumpstart the conversation. Good or bad, we need your feedback to move this ecosystem forward!

Welcome! :octopus::handshake::octopus: