Octopus Nation September Report (Miracle Jeremiah Ogbuehi)

Activities done for Octopus Nation in the month of September

Name: Miracle
Telegram ID: @ogbuehi_eth
Google meet name: Miracle Jeremiah Ogbuehi
Near Address: Ogbuehi.near
Discord ID: Meeracle#8299

Activity A:
Weekly Community Call Attendance 4/4

Activity C: Attended the octopus network AMA session

Activity D: I did some personal social media activities in relation to octopus nation and octopus network

Activity I:I participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Activity J:
I Actively liked, retweeted, and commented on Ottochain’s social media posts.
7 Twitter Repost
7 Twitter Post and Quote Retweets (combined)

All evidences for the above activities are in the document below

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Need access to doc can’t review

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 0 isn’t a criteria
Activity D: 0
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 0
Activity I : 3
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 0
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 17/70 possible marks

This is below the required criteria

Activities done for Octopus Nation in the month of December

Name: Miracle
Telegram ID: @ogbuehi_eth
Google meet name: Miracle Jeremiah Ogbuehi
Near Address: Ogbuehi.near
Discord ID: Meeracle#8299

Activity A:
Weekly Community Call Attendance 4/4

Activity C: Attended the octopus network AMA session

Activity D: I did some personal social media activities in relation to octopus nation and octopus network

Activity I:I participated in activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Activity J:
I Actively liked, retweeted, and commented on Ottochain’s social media posts.
10 Twitter Repost
16 Twitter Post and Quote Retweets (combined)

All evidences for the above activities are in the document below

Pls specify the numbers achieved in each activity

For example i attended 2 AMA session etc

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Activities done for Octopus Nation in the month of December

Name: Miracle
Telegram ID: @ogbuehi_eth
Google meet name: Miracle Jeremiah Ogbuehi
Near Address: Ogbuehi.near
Discord ID: Meeracle#8299

Activity A:
Weekly Community Call Attendance 4/4

Activity C: Attended 2 octopus network AMA session

Activity D: I did 16 personal social media activities in relation to octopus nation and octopus network

Activity I: I participated in 2 activities within the Nation apart from unit activities.

Activity J:
I Actively liked, retweeted, and commented on Ottochain’s social media posts.
10 Twitter Repost
16 Twitter Post and Quote Retweets (combined)

All evidences for the above activities are in the document below.

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 0
Activity C : 3
Activity D: 0
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 0
Activity I : 3
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 0
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 20/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned