[Anthony Rodriguez] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For Month Of September

Name: Anthony Rodriguez
Telegram username: @anthonyrod00
Google Meet Username: Anthony Rodriguez
Discord Username: anthony_rod
Wallet Address: anthonyrod.near

@damboy here’s the proof [Anthony Rodriguez] Activities Done In Octopus Nation For Month Of September - Google Docs

Activity A- I attended 3/3 all nation meeting calls.

Activity B- I attended the Octopus Network community call.

Activity C- I attended the AMA session (Exploring Myriad)

Activity D- I attended the Tutorial Session on Delegating / Staking with Octopus Network

Activity E- Personal social media activities/content
9- Twitter Posts

Activity G- I actively participate in my unit which is the Communication Unit. I do the welcoming graphics for the month of September

Activity I -I am actively participating in other units, especially in the Education and Membership unit, I am making graphics for translation. In membership, I do Word Search Challenge and also help other units with such suggestions.

Activity J- I am continuously liking, retweeting, and commenting on Ottochain social media posts

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Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 0 this is Activity D
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 5
Activity k: 0
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 0
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 35/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

Name: Anthony Rodriguez
Telegram username: @anthonyrod00
Google Meet Username: Anthony Rodriguez
Discord Username: anthony_rod
Wallet Address: anthonyrod.near

here’s the proof/links


Activity A- I attended 4/4 all nation meeting calls.

Activity B- I attended the last octopus networking day as this is the substitute for the community call this month.

Activity C: I am present in AMA session with Octopus Network

Activity D- I attended the Exploring Decentralized Bio Network, Atocha Enigma Night Workshop, Mental Health Webinar.

Activity E- Personal social media activities/content
14 -Twitter Posts

Activity G- I actively participate in my unit which is the Communication Unit. I do the welcoming graphics for the month of October

Activity I: I am actively participating in other units, especially in the Education unit, I am making graphics for translation and for the Atocha Enigma Night Workshop and also help other units with such suggestions.

Activity J- I am continuously liking, retweeting, and commenting on Ottochian social media posts.

Activity K: I attended all the events in Ottochain, start-up series, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call.

Activity N: I’ve 1 suggestion for an events unit.

Thank you.

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 4
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 46/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

Name: Anthony Rodriguez
Telegram username: @anthonyrod00
Google Meet Username: Anthony Rodriguez
Discord Username: anthony_rod
Wallet Address: anthonyrod.near

here’s the proof/links


Activity A- I attended all nation meeting calls.

Activity B- I attended the November Community Call in Discord.

Activity C- I attended in AMA session with Octopus Network: Community Building and Secret Space with Special Guest in Twitter Space.

Activity D- I am present when the AMA Session: NearOctoLegends NFT and Virtual Career Workshop happened.

Activity E- Personal social media activities/content
14-Twitter Posts

Activity G- I actively participate in my unit which is the Communication Unit. I do the write up that is tasked by my leader.

Activity I- I am actively participating in other units, especially in the Education unit, I am making graphics for translation and for the NearOctoNFT LEGENDS and also help other units with such suggestions.

Activity J- I am continuously liking, retweeting, and commenting on Ottochian social media posts.

Activity K- I attended all the events in Ottochain, start-up series, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call.

Activity N- I’ve 2 suggestion for an events unit.

Thank you.

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 4 attended 4 out of 6
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3 only 1 was accepted
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 48/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned

Name: Anthony Rodriguez
Telegram username: @anthonyrod00
Google Meet Username: Anthony Rodriguez
Discord Username: anthony_rod
Wallet Address: anthonyrod.near

here’s the proof/links


Activity A- I attended all nation meeting calls.

Activity B- I attended the December Community Call in Discord.

Activity C: I attended in AMA session with Octopus Network: : Unpacking NEAR Restaking w/ Octopus Network

Activity D- I am present when the AMA Session: AMA with Teen Girls Blockchain TGIB and Octopus Nation’s Space

Activity E- Personal social media activities/content
11-Twitter Posts

Activity G- I actively participate in my unit which is the Communication Unit. I do the graphic for the month of December that is tasked by my leader.

Activity I- I am actively participating in other units, especially in the Education unit, I am making graphics for Scavenger Hunt Silver and also help other units with such suggestions.

Activity J- I am continuously liking, retweeting, and commenting on Ottochian social media posts.

Activity K: I attended all the events in Ottochain IDO, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call.

Activity N: I’ve 2 suggestion for an events unit.

Thank you.

Name: Anthony Rodriguez
Telegram username: @anthonyrod00
Google Meet Username: Anthony Rodriguez
Discord Username: anthony_rod
Wallet Address: anthonyrod.near

here’s the proof/links


Activity A- I attended all nation meeting calls. 4/4

Activity B- I attended the December Community Call in Discord. 1/1

Activity C: I attended in AMA session with Octopus Network: : Unpacking NEAR Restaking w/ Octopus Network 1/1

Activity D- I am present when the AMA Session: AMA with Teen Girls Blockchain TGIB and Octopus Nation’s Space

Activity E- Personal social media activities/content
11-Twitter Posts

Activity G- I actively participate in my unit which is the Communication Unit. I do the graphic for the month of December that is tasked by my leader.

Activity I- I am actively participating in other units, especially in the Education unit, I am making graphics for Scavenger Hunt Silver and also help other units with such suggestions.

Activity J- I am continuously liking, retweeting, and commenting on Ottochian social media posts.

Activity K: I attended all the events in Ottochain IDO, and blockchain series as well as the monthly community call. 4- online events

Activity N: I’ve 2 suggestion for an events unit.

Thank you.

1 Like

Thanks for your great contribution towards the success of Octopus Nation
Ok then, thanks,
As agreed by Octopus Nation, as stated by this document below, these are your accumulated points for this month

Activity A: 5
Activity B: 5
Activity C : 5
Activity D: 5
Activity E: 5
Activity F : 0
Activity G : 5
Activity I : 5
Activity j: 4
Activity k: 4
Activity L: 0
Activity M: 0
Activity N: 3
Activity O: 0

Earned point: 46/70 possible marks

Amont of $OCT Earned


Good day, I have attended the community call for the month of December. Please refer to the link I sent for proofs and on the Screenshot as a proof that I attended. Thank you.

Sorry about that solved

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